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The Island of


Asseteria has been beset by a number of challengers due the wealth of its assets and the richness of its lands.  From the early days, it has sought to keep its wealth for future generations, but it has faced multiple problems that put its future in jeopardy.  


The Challenge:  
Share the Love

This challenge encourages us to reach out to be able to help others in need.  You must show a photo of you sharing some love, whether this be in the form of a toy, food, or the like, and making someone else happy in the end.


There will need to be a total of 3 participants completing this challenge.  Participant just needs to find a creative way to help someone less fortunate or in need, and express the virtue of charity.  If accomplished, photo must be uploaded on the Facebook group page or email to us using the link below.


Number of Participants to Complete Challenge:  3

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